Category Archives: Year 2

Well being week in Year 2

This week in Year 2, we have been thinking about the importance of looking after our mental health. During circle time, we have discussed feelings and how we may deal with certain things that make us feel upset or uncomfortable. We decided that the best thing to do when we are experiencing feelings that we don’t understand or like, was to talk to someone we trust and think about ways to solve any problems we may have. In addition, we also practised lots of mindfulness techniques like controlled breathing and meditation.


Bakery role playing.

We have been creating our own Pudding Lane Bakery in Year 2. We have made lots of bright, colourful flames to show just how fierce the fire was in the bakery. We can now pretend we were actually there when the fire started and can understand just how scary and frightening it must have been!


Warm, crackling fire!

Last week the children were lucky enough to experience Forest Schools with Mrs Grant in our lovely forest area outside. Mrs Grant showed us how to start a fire and what  fire needed to burn. Importantly, she also gave us some rules that would keep us safe around fire. For example, if anyone did set part of their clothes on fire, they had to STOP…… DROP…. and ROLL!

We drank delicious hot chocolates with gooey marshmallows inside them! What a treat! We also listened to one of our favourite stories while we were sat around the fire trying to keep ourselves warm. We all had a fantastic time and it was great to see what a real fire looks like!

Fire Fire!

Year 2 have been learning about The Great Fire of London. We have been exploring what life was like in 1666 and why the fire started. We found out the fire started in a little bakery owned by Thomas Farriner on Pudding Lane. A tiny spark from his oven set the bakery on fire and eventually it spread all around London and destroying many homes and businesses.


At home, the children have been making fantastic houses that represent what a house would have looked like in 1666! Have a look at how amazing some of them are!



Thank you to all of the parents and families who have helped to make these wonderful creations!


Reading is amazing!

This week Year 2 have been reading and discussing lots of fun, exciting books. We have talked about which books we like, those we don’t like and what we would like to read in the future.

In class, we had time  to get comfy with some blankets and pillows and settle down to read our favourite books. After we had some lively discussion about which books we liked the best.

This week, Year 2 would like to recommend The Incredible Book Eating Boy by Oliver Jeffers because we thought it was  very funny!


Money Madness.

This week it has been Maths week and the children in Year 2 have been exploring money. We received a very special request from Major Tim Peake who wanted to throw a party for all of his friends on the ISS. Unfortunately he is still in space so unable to buy all of the items he needs. He asked if Year 2 could help him plan and pay for the party! We were happy to accept our mission and set about learning all we could about money!

We have been learning about the value of different coins and combining them to make different amounts. We also had a fantastic parent workshop where we got to show off our maths skills, add together amounts and pay for them in our classroom shop. Thank you to all the parents who came and supported their children.

Police Visit.

This week, Year 2 had a very special visit from two important people who help us in our community. They are Police Community Support Officers and their job is to look after us when we are out and about.

We heard all about their jobs and the special equipment they need like torches, Kevlar vests, radios and even special shoes. We were lucky enough to try on some of their uniform too!

Year 2 asked some interesting questions to find out more about what they do. Now we know that there are numbers on the tops of police cars so that helicopters know which officers are in which cars. We also know that if we are in trouble and need help, we can ring 999 and tell them our name and address. Do you know your home address in case of emergency?


The children have voted and this years Pupil Council and UNICEF representatives have been chosen.

Together they will be called ‘Children Champions’ and will carry out a range of tasks. Firstly, they will be looking at changing the academy’s house point system and designing and calculating cost for a KS2 outdoor classroom. Whilst carrying out these jobs the Champions will also be collecting pupil voice and making sure the views of the students of St. Clements Academy are heard.

Article 12: Every child has the right to express their
views, feelings and wishes in all matters
affecting them, and to have their views
considered and taken seriously. This right
applies at all times, for example during
immigration proceedings, housing decisions
or the child’s day-to-day home life.

Well done to you all.

Exploring Year 2

Last week, the children were writing their own stories about a mysterious creature that finds itself in a strange place!

The children were exploring different settings and using their descriptive language to build expanded noun phrases. They were fantastic at demonstrating all of their vocabulary and enjoyed getting to play around with words to form the best descriptive noun phrases.

Later, we used all of our new vocabulary to write our stories. We were very happy with them!

Count on Year 2.

Year 2 have got stuck into their lessons this week and have shown real enthusiasm and a fantastic attitude to learning.

In Maths we are using real objects to help us to understand numbers and how the number system works. We can already count in steps of different numbers, partition big numbers and use fantastic maths vocabulary. Keep it up!