This week in year 2 we have been learning all about shapes! We have been learning lots of facts about 2D shapes. The children have discussed similarities and differences and we have been spotting them in our outdoor environment and in our classrooms. We know that a pizza slice is like a triangle because it has 3 corners and 3 sides! Next week we will be searching for 3D shapes.
The children were asked to recognise when they are not in safe situations. The children will now know how to stay safe in a situation and who to ask for help.
This week in Year 2, we have been exploring the story of The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl. We found out he was a mean crocodile who liked to eat children!
We have created lots of wonderful art based on the characters in the story. We have made our own Enormous Crocodile to sit in our reading corner along with his ‘notsobig’ crocodile friends. We have also written our own Revolting Recipe ‘Vomit Vegetables’ to feed to the crocodile so he doesn’t eat the juicy children.
We have had lots of fun learning all about the characters in Roald Dahl’s stories and dressing up as them on our Roald Dahl Day!
Matilda and GeorgeEnormous CrocodileLooking for some children to eat!‘notsobigone’
On the 14th September in PHSE, the children discussed when, where and who makes them feel safe. They were asked to complete an activity on safe and unsafe situations.
It’s been a great start to the new school year! The children have come back to school enthusiastic and ready to learn. A big thank you to the parents for reminding your children to bring their book bags to school everyday, it’s great to hear that so many of you are reading your books everyday. A quick reminder that in Year 2, we have P.E on Tuesday and Wednesday so make sure you have your P.E kit in school on these days.
This week in our topic lessons, we have started to learn all about the Great Fire of London in 1666. The children have found out all about how the fire started in a small bakery shop and soon spread all through the streets of London. We have made some fantastic art work using lots of different and unusual materials to show the flaming fires in the streets.
Isaiah’s tissue paper flames.Marble painting.Bubble wrap stamping.Charcoal sky.Sponge flames.
Year 2, it has been an absolute pleasure being your teachers this year! We don’t think we’ve ever worked with such a hard working and enthusiastic class! Thank you so much for your dedication to learning throughout the year.
Have a fantastic summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you all next year!
Year 2 have been busy getting ready for the carnival parade on Friday 15th July. We have made some masks to wear. We designed our own mask then assembled different materials to create a mask. They look brilliant! Well done Year 2! I cant wait to see you all wearing your masks at the carnival!
This week we have been learning to write riddles. We have read lots of different riddles and discussed the key features. We have learnt how to write similes. Today, in Big Write, we wrote our own riddles based on our chosen animal! They were fantastic! Well done year 2!
Year 2 have created some fantastic images of castles. First they drew an outline of a castle. Then they sponged on the brickwork pattern. Next they cut out pieces of paper for the windows and doors. Well done year 2!
This week in maths, we have been learning about measuring. We have been measuring in practical situations. We really enjoyed predicting if children were taller or shorter than a metre. We learnt how to read scales in divisions of ones, twos, fives and tens on the scale. Some children were even able to read a scale where not all numbers are given! Well done year 2!
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