Category Archives: Year 1

Jigsaw – Year 1

Last week on Thursday in Year 1 we started with the Calm Me exercise to prepare ourselves to learn.

Then in pairs, the children took turns to read their ticket to their partner and say how they feel. Do they feel proud, pleased, happy?

They then made a list of three rewards they would like to receive when they’ve achieved something of which they are proud. These ideas will then help to create the Learning Charter.

Healthy Eating in Year 1

Today, Nicola our school nurse came to talk to us about healthy eating. We discussed the range of food we need to eat in order to keep healthy. We now know that there are 5 food groups and that we need carbohydrates to give us energy and milk and diary which provides us with calcuim for our bones and teeth to remain healthy.

We sorted the food into the correct food group as a class!

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As part of Child Safety Week, the children learnt all about ‘Pantosaurus’ and the NSPCC campaign. Classes from Reception to Year 6 enjoyed singing along and learning how to stay safe. Links for more information regarding the campaign, ‘Lets Talk PANTS’ can be found on the school newsletter or on the NSPCC website.

pant pant1

Child Safety Week in Year 1

Year 1 have focused on ‘Keeping Safe at home.’ We have explored the dangers and hazards we might find at home and how to prevent these things from happening. We have created posters to help everyone remain safe at home.

“We must organize of things, so we don’t hurt ourselves.” Amelia

“We must not go near fire!” Musab

“I told my mummy to put the sharp objects up high, so we don’t hurt ourselves” Amira

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Year 1’s trip to the Synagogue

Year 1 have been learning all about Judaism as part of their Religious Education learning. This week, we have visited Singers Hill Synagogue to learn more about the religion. We were shown around by a Jewish man who worships in the Synagogue for many years, since he was a little boy. He showed us lots of special things and what they mean to Jewish people. We learnt lots and  now know why the Star of David is a special symbol for Jewish people and how many times a day Jewish people pray.

We really enjoyed our trip!

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Jigsaw – Year 1

Last Thursday in Year 1 we started the session by looking at and sharing ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ to help reinforce to the children how they work together as a team.
Everyone including the adults, then participated in the ‘Calm Me’ exercise. It was explained to the children that this was to help get their minds ready to learn.
The ‘Open My Mind’ activity which followed involved singing a song called ‘I am special’.  We sang it several times whilst holding hands in a circle.
We then completed the ‘Tell Me or Show Me’ task. The class were shown a picture of a group of children learning well together. The class was then split into pairs and they were asked to think about how they could help each other learn.

New PHSE Scheme – ‘Jigsaw’

We have started a new scheme throughout the school which is called Jigsaw and will be following a new structure for PHSE lessons.
Jigsaw Logo
This week with year 3,4,5 and 6 I put up a PowerPoint example of a learning charter and explained about our rights and responsibilities which create a learning environment, in which everyone can learn well.  I explained when people take their responsibilities seriously, they can gain rewards. When they do not, there are consequences.
Children in groups created their own learning charter.
With Year 1 and 2 we did the ‘Calm Me’ time which develops mindfulness using breathing techniques, awareness exercises and visualisation. We then did circle time and introduced a new Jigsaw ‘Friend’ and mentioned that he/she will be part of their class and they will have to look after it.
We discussed the reason as to why the ‘Friend’ could be nervous and the children gave their own explanations.

Term 2.1 – Week 2 (15th-18th Jan)

Noah’s Ark in Year 1

This afternooon, Year 1 performed an assembly based on Noah’s Ark to the whole school and to their parents. The children performed fantastically and Mrs Nizamis and Miss Tsang are extremely proud! They spoke loudly and clearly, and sang beautifully.

Well done Year 1!

Pictures to follow.

Telling the time in Year 1

This week in Maths, Year 1 have been learning all about the time. We have been learning to read the time by creating and  drawing the hands on a clock – o’clock and half past. We know that the long hand is the minute hand and the short hand is the hour hand. We enjoyed making our very own watches and clocks, we even made a huge one in our outside classroom!

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