Pupil Voice

” I liked Safety Week because I learnt about keeping safe near water and how to spot dangers.”
Mosara Year 3

” I know how to stay safe at home. I also learnt that you do not tell strangers where you live.”
Taisa Year 1

” It was lots of fun learning about staying safe. I learnt lots of new things – you can not have a Minecraft account if you are under 13 years of age. Also if someone is rude to you on a chat during a game you must tell an adult and report the user. I also know to not share personal information online.”
Basil Year 4

More From You!
” I learnt about the dangers of smoking and how smoke damages your lungs.”
Omar Year 5
” My class learnt all about Mindfulness. Mindfulness colouring helps you relax.”
Ellis Year 2
” Breathing in and out slowly helps your body calm down and relax.”
Arinze Year 2
” I know that the Pastoral Team in school are there to take care of us, keep us safe, make sure we feel safe and happy and to help solve our problems.”
Mohammed Year 6
” School has taught us lots about staying safe like, crossing roads, being safe online, not opening doors to people, safe adults in school wear a pass or signing in badge and never share personal information with strangers.”
Basil Year 4 and Mohamed Year 6
” If children have a problem in school there are adults they can talk to – Teachers, Miss Akers, trusted adults and friends. “
Mosara Year 3
” Jigsaw and the teddy help us find a calm happy place and we do deep breaths to give our minds time to be quiet and to relax our heads.”
Taisa Year 1
” I enjoyed creating a Jigsaw Charter about Rights, Rewards, Responsibilities and Consequences in school.”
Mohammed Year 6
” Jigsaw Mindfulness helps us think about a nice, calm place.”
Basil Year 4