Category Archives: Year 1
We’re going on a tree hunt!
In Science, we have been exploring plants and trees. We have learnt all about evergreen and deciduous trees. We have been looking at lots of different trees and deciding whether the trees are evergreen or deciduous trees. We went on a tree hunt to find out which trees we have in our school site. Which trees can you see?
PHSE – Feeling Safe
In Year 1 today children had to recall a time when they felt really safe. Children had to sit in a circle and ask them one by one to pick out a feeling card from the feelings bag. I then asked the children to relate feeling to a safe or unsafe situation. Children worked really well.
Memory Box
To start off our topic ‘Memory Box’ in Year 1, we were reflecting back on our time in Nursery and Reception. We decided to have a picnic, just like we did in Reception. We made healthy sandwiches to eat on our picnic. We followed our designs carefully. We then had a picnic and enjoyed sharing our favourite memories from the past.
3D shapes
Let’s go fly a kite!
In Year 1, we have been designing and making kites. In Science, we have been looking at materials. We tested different materials and decided which material would be the best to make an umbrella. We tested tissue paper, plastic, felt and foil. We found out that foil and plastic were waterproof. But, later decided that foil wasn’t as strong as plastic. We followed our design to make our umbrellas, tested them out. Then we evaluated what went well and what would need to be improved if we were to make them again.
Look at them fly!
Year 1 PHSE
In Year 1 today we did circle time and talked about who the children love and live with and discussed things they enjoy doing at home and at school .
School Trip to the Community Sports HUB
Friday 19th May
Years 1 to 6 went to the Community Sports HUB to take part in sporting activities such as cricket, rounder’s, football, tennis and boxing. Everyone took part in each activity for 45 minutes. Despite the damp weather lots of fun was had by all. It was great to see all the children showing off what they had learnt in their PE lessons. The teachers have said that it was a fantastic day and great to see the children demonstrating their skill set out side of the classroom. This was great for the children’s physical development and we look forward to having more days like this next year.
Samir Y4 “My favourite sport was the tennis because we had lots of space to play which we don’t normally get in school.”
Tavani Y4 “My Favourite sport was cricket because we don’t normally play big games and I won a medal.”
Amira Y3 “I liked the football because it was really good playing on a proper grass pitch”
Reuben Y5 “Boxing was my favourite because the gym was really nice and I enjoyed using the bags.”
PHSE – Year 1 and 2
Talk for Writing in Year 1
This week in Year 1, we have started our new Talk for Writing story – Little Red Riding Hood. This is one of our all time favourite’s! We started off the week by writing our very own version of Little Red Riding Hood. We tried so hard! After that, we decided to look at a different version of the story. We have been learning it through acting out the story using puppets, drawing story maps and adding actions for us to remember the story off by heart!