Category Archives: Reception

Gingerbread Man on the loose!

On Monday Reception received a letter from the little old lady. She asked if we could help her find the gingerbread man as he ran away from her! Reception made missing posters which you may have seen around school. Luckily we found the gingerbread man just in time for when the little old lady rang us up.

Here are photos of the gingerbread man on the loose:

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We also baked some gingerbread men to celebrate our success of finding him.

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Owl Babies

This week Reception have been focusing on the book ‘Owl Babies’.
The children enjoyed listening to the story and joining in with repeated phrases. As a class we wrote the sentence ‘I want my mummy.’ which the smallest baby owl, Bill, said. The children read the sentence as a group and some even had a go at writing the sentence!

Here are some pictures from our week:

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Reception’s Book Week

This week we have explored non-fiction texts about autumn. We learnt that we can find out information from books and computers. The children found out lots of facts about autumn as well as exploring things such as conkers, autumn leaves, pine cones, sticks and plants.

We also made our own autumn information books. Make sure you check them out on display as you come into Early Years.


Reception’s fun-filled week

This week, Reception have continued to learn our school rules and routines. Reception have been learning all about kindness this week as we have made flowers, butterflies, leaves and lots more to go on our display. The children had some lovely ideas of ways they can be kind and have shown this in at school.
Also, this Friday we went to our first school assembly!

Take a look at our photos from the week:

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