Category Archives: PHSE

Year 3 and 4 PSHE

The children have been learning about rules and how they keep us safe. They have been able to relate this idea to areas of their own life and, in Year 3,  they have been able to identify people in the community who help keep them safe.

Article 41
If a country has laws and standards that
go further than the present Convention,
then the country must keep these laws.

SDC11235 SDC11236 SDC11238 SDC11239 SDC11240 SDC11241 SDC11242 SDC11243 SDC11244 SDC11245 SDC11246 SDC11247 SDC11248 SDC11249 SDC11250

PHSE – Year 4

Today in year 4 we talked about different rules that we have, we discussed what the rules were on the playground, walking into assembly, crossing the road and driving. children had to complete the sheet in pairs of all the different rules. Children worked well.