During Intofaith week, Year 5 studied Sikhism. As part of this, w e looked at the importance of the Sikh symbol , the Khanda.
We designed our own batik using this symbol and designs commonly found in the art in gurdwaras.
First, we drew our design and then piped on a mixture of toothpate and hand lotion to cover the lines. This would act as a resistor when adding the paint.
Parents joined us for the second stage when we painted our designs. When the paint dries, we wil wash off the toothpaste mixture to reveal the finished batik. Keep reading our blog to see the finished product.
This term year 5 are learning all about animal adaptations as part of science. They have learnt that an adaptation is a special skill which helps an animal to survive and do everything it needs to do. Adaptations could be physical changes to the animals body or behavioural changes in how an individual animal or a society do things in their daily lives.
They have created some beautiful drawings of bugs and labelled the different parts for our class display.
This week Year 3 have been developing their knowledge of great artists by exploring the still life work of Wilhelm Kalf, Georges Braque and Pieter Claesz .
Still Life by Wilhelm Kalf
Still Life with Cheese by Pieter Claesz
The Table by Georges Braque
With each still life image, Year 3 used a range of questions to structure their discussions.
Why do you think the artist made it?
What can you see in the picture?
Which colours are used?
When do you think it was made?
How does the image make you feel?
With a final question of which image would you choose to have at home and why?
Year 3 then worked with charcoal in their sketch books to create still life sketches of peppers.
Y3 have been improving their mastery of their painting techniques with watercolours. Stonehenge provided the inspiration for the watercolour backgrounds and collage foregrounds.
Stonehenge is one of the wonders of the world and the best-known prehistoric monument in Europe.