All posts by Mrs M Grant

A busy week in Nursery

This week has been varied and busy, as always!

On Monday Mrs Ali told us that it was one of the teacher’s birthday.  This led to the children making birthday cards.  They folded the card, drew pictures and practised writing their names.  We then took the cards upstairs to give them to Miss Harris.  She was very happy to receive them.

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Some children made cards for their family.  Eliza copied the letters to write ‘mommy’


Outside we noticed that the weather has been colder this week.  One morning we found ice had formed in one of the plastic trays.  We enjoyed exploring the ice and talking about it.  It was fun making it melt in our hands.

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Baking in Nursery

This week in Nursery we started to learn how to make cakes independently.  We are using a method where we have to balance all the ingredients.

First we had to make a shopping list of the ingredients we needed.


Mrs Grant brought the ingredients in the next day and we were ready to balance them.

First we had to balance two eggs with the flour.


Then we balanced the two eggs with the sugar.


Next we balanced the two eggs with the butter.


Finally we mixed all the ingredients together.

We had to pour the ingredients in to the baking tin and then Mrs Grant put it in to the oven.

When it was ready we all tasted it, it was delicious!

The Gingerbread Man

This week in nursery we have been reading The Gingerbread Man.

gingerbread man

We really enjoyed joining in with the repeating phrase run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man!

Mrs Ali suggested that we could make our own gingerbread men (and ladies!).  We found a recipe in our cookery book and we made a list of the things we would need.  Mrs Ali very kindly went to the shop to buy the ingredients.  We all helped make the biscuits.  then we decorated them and took them home to eat.

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We have also enjoyed using the puppets to retell the story.


Year 5 Forest School

This week the Year 5 children have enjoyed using our Forest School area.  The highlight of the week for me was on Wednesday.  The children decided to build a shelter.  I was really impressed with the way they worked together and listened to each other’s ideas.

When they had finished the shelter they moved seating logs under it, built a pretend camp fire and we sat under it for our reflection time.

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Forest School

The children have been making the most of the area at lunchtimes.  I taught some of them how to make bracelets using a special method of plaiting four pieces of wool.  It takes a lot of concentration! IMG_8240     IMG_8239

In the afternoon Year 5 have enjoyed team building games amongst other activities.

The children had to turn over the tarpaulin without anyone getting off.  It was quite tricky!





Autumn is here and the leaves have started to fall from the trees.

The children noticed lots of leaves in the playground so we used them to make a leaf collage.


Some children have been bringing in leaves they have found on their way to Nursery.  Some of these were perfect for leaf rubbing with wax crayons.  The children really enjoyed doing this.



Forest School

This week I have enjoyed getting to know the Year 4 children and helping them explore our Forest School area.  It has been lovely to see them using their imaginations, being kind to each other and having fun!


The children are helping me to cut the smaller branches off the larger ones so that they can be used for den building and other activities.