This week in PSHE Year 4 looked at people that we feel we can trust and talk to. Children created a ‘Helping Hand’ where they listed 5 people that they feel that they could share their thoughts or worries with. We explored the qualities that all of these people had in common. Later, we discussed different positive ways to deal with our worries.
All posts by N McCAUSLAND
PSHE in Year 3
During PSHE this week children looked at the different emotions which we have as individuals and the ways in which we can show our emotions through actions. Chn created their own role-plays to demonstrate the emotions which they would feel and thought carefully about the actions which would match these emotions.
PSHE – Year 5
During PSHE in Year 5 this week children looked at Friendships and making the right choices. We looked at scenario’s where someone may ask you to keep a secret which may make the children feel unsafe and a secret which might make them feel safe. Children discussed with their peers how they would deal with these situations and shared their reasons for this with their groups (and later their class). As a class children showed a clear understanding of how to deal with situation that they are uncomfortable with and were very clear on who they could share information with if they felt unsafe or uncomfortable about something.
PSHE – Year 6
During this week’s PSHE lesson the childen in Year 6 have focused on Keeping Safe. During the lesson children discussed what ‘Being Safe’ means to them and shared their views and ideas with their class. Children also looked at who’s responsibility it is to keep themsleves safe? As a class the children looked at scenerio’s which might make them feel unsafe and discussed what they could do in these situations. As a class all of the children were able to identify people who they could talk to that helped them to feel safe in school and outside of school.
Roald Dahl Week in Year 5
During Roald Dahl Week Year 5 have read one of Roald Dahl’s famous books ‘The Witches’. The children really enjoyed the story and all the work which we covered based on the book. During the week the were given the opportunity be reporters and created a news report on the disappearance of the children in the story. Children also created a guide on ‘How to recognise a witch’, artwork where they were transformed themselves into witches in the story and solved maths problems related to a range of Roald Dahl stories.
Take a look at some of our hard work below.
Year 6 – Creativity Week
This week in Year 6, we completed research on Brazil and created leaflets to encourage tourists to visit Brazil. We worked our hardest to produce this work and we learned a lot of facts from our research.
As well as learning facts and preparing leaflets, we created bracelets and flags using Brazilian colors to use during the carnival parade. There fun bright colours helped protray happiness.
We were also taught some choreography which we performed in-front of the whole school. It was a thrilling time for us to experience and we think it was a great enjoyment for the children who were watching. Year 6 tried their hardest and showed their maturity and hard work throughout the show.
Along with the Brazilian dancing we created our own Samba band and Samba songs which was fun to experience their cultures singing and made a loud but fun atmosphere.
Overall we had great and everyone enjoyed themselves and the activities.
Written by, Sofia Sheckler and Bailey Wilson
Year 6 working with the Birmingham Hippodrome team.
Year 6 have had a great opportunity this week to work with members of the Birmingham Hippodrome team. Children have worked with the team to create headdresses and back packs which they will wear when leading the Carnival Parade next week. Children have created all their costume pieces with the Brazilian flag colours and have used a range of materials to create the headdresses and back pack. Year 6 have really enjoyed being creative this week. Look at some our hard work below.
Year 6 2016 Olympic Games Maths Challenge
Year 6 completed a Maths challenge where they needed to use their problem solving skills and mathematical knowledge to create a Olympic Torch for the 2016 Olympics. Children were split into two groups. Some children completed word problems related to the Olympics and some children worked in small groups and needed to work from a specification to create a Olympic torch. Children were required to use their knowledge of measure, proportion and problem solving skills to complete the task.
Halo Mexico!
This week Year 6 have continued with our Mexico themed topic and created our own Mexican Artwork and also our very own Mexican food. We began by creating our own interpretation of the Ancient Mexican Gods during an afternoon.
Later in the week we got started on our cooking session. We started off by creating a set of instructions on ‘How to create Guacamole, Salsa sauce, and Quesadilla’s’. Once we had created our instructions, we went on making our very own Mexican food. Take a look below at all the great fun we had.
Year 6’s Book Bench contribution
A selection of Year 6 children worked hard together to create a large ‘Elma The Elephant’ image and decorated the elephant with colourful tissue paper to make the image vibrant and to add texture. Elm along with other great artwork from other classes in the school will be added to our St. Clement’s Academy Book Bench. We are looking forward to seeing the final product.