Year 4 had lots of fun exploring a range of different countries, cultures and artwork during International Week in school. At the start of the week during Literacy children completed research on Africa, Asia and Europe and used their knowledge on these countries to create a non-chronological report on each country.
Later on in the week, children brought something into school which they felt represented the country that they or their family were from. Children brought in a variety of different lovely things from artefacts and food to traditional clothes. Parents were also invited to take part in our session and everyone thoroughly enjoyed learning more about the international countries that our class members are from.
During the end of the week, children created some wonderful artwork and developed their creative skills by making their own African masks and artwork.
On Tuesday Year 4 were given the opportunity to take part in a History Hunt at the Birmingham Town Hall. On our arrival we were visited by Mr.P, who was a detective and he gave us a mission to carry out. Our quest was to find as many clues as possible which were scattered around the Birmingham Town Hall and use these clues to solve the mystery, save the Town Hall from destruction and find the suspect. All the children had lots of fun examining historical artefacts, learning new historical facts and going back in time to have a taste of life during different periods in history.
Here are some pictures of all the fun which we had on our trip.
During this half term Year 4 have being studying the Anglo-Saxons. Over the last few weeks children have studied a range of pieces of Anglo-Saxon jewellery and the features that can often be found on them. This week Year 4 used their Maths knowledge on symmetry and Anglo-Saxon art to created their very own Anglo-Saxon symmetrical brooches with clay. The children had lots of fun shaping the clay and following their design ideas to create their final piece of artwork.
During Child Safety week Year 4 have looked at E-Safety. During the beginning of the week children looked at a range of scenario’s, discussed whether they thought each scenario was safe or not safe and shared their views as to how each scenario could be resolved.
Children have also created their own play scripts about E-safety which they later had the opportunity to perform to the class.
Year 4 children also used what they learnt during the week to create their very own E-safety posters and leaflets to help share their knowledge with others.
“I have enjoyed learning about new games which I could play on the internet and learning how to use them safety” by Basil
“I enjoyed learning new interesting facts about internet games” by Hiba
“I enjoyed making my own play script about E-safety” by Sumaya A
“My favourite part of E-safety week was when we got to look the age limits on lots of different app’s and social media sites” by Ramesah
During PSHE, Year 5 children have focused on thinking about the words which we use carefully. We discussed the consequences and effects of our words and how our words may affect people. A selection of children acted out a scenario, which demonstrated how our words can have a negative affect and the class made suggestions on how to use our words in a positive way.
During PSHE this week, Year 3 have looked at saving money. We discussed different ways to save money and thought about making gifts for our loved ones instead of buying gifts. We discussed how this might make our loved ones feel and what we could do with this money instead.
During PSHE this week in Year 5, children looked at effects and consequences. We discussed what the term meant and positive consequences and negative consequences. Children were given a number of scenerio’s where they needed to suggest what the effects or consequences might be to them. Children came up with some very sensible suggestions to these scenerio’s. Later, during the lesson children listed who their influences were and they shared with the class why they made their choice.
During PSHE this week, Year 6 looked at ‘How to keep our bodies healthy’. We discussed as a class what we thought was needed to keep our bodies functioning and healthy. As the lesson progressed, we created our own menu’s of what we would usually eat at different times of the day and discussed how we could make these meals healthier.
During PSHE this week Year 6 continued to talk about safety. Children discussed with their peers the different types of risks which they are aware of and suggested ways to avoid these risks.
During this week in PSHE Year 5 looked at Peer pressure. We discussed what peer pressure was and the different types of peer pressure that exists. Later in the lesson, children used the ‘conscious alley’ technique to explore the negative and positive advice which their peers might share in response to a scenario. All children were very sensible with the suggestions and took part really well. By the end of the lesson children were able to identify may positive ways to deal with peer pressure.
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