All posts by Miss D AKERS


This half term some children have had the chance to work with the Free@Last team in their new building. Children have experienced using the Climbing Wall and Recording Studio. Sessions will continue to run until the new year.

During the time spent at Free@Last we have been able to see what talented musicians and climbers we have at the academy. Well done to you all.

St Clement’s PCSO’s

Here at St. Clement’s Academy we are lucky to work closely with Louise and Robbie our Police Community Support Officers.

Louise and Robbie come into school regularly and teach the pupils a range of lessons from what equipment Police Officers use to dealing with knife crime. Children are also lucky to get ‘Story Time’ with PCSO Robbie, which is enjoyed by them all. The Officers also help in Policing the streets in the community and manage parking outside of the academy. We would like to say “Thank You Louise and Robbie!”


The children have voted and this years Pupil Council and UNICEF representatives have been chosen.

Together they will be called ‘Children Champions’ and will carry out a range of tasks. Firstly, they will be looking at changing the academy’s house point system and designing and calculating cost for a KS2 outdoor classroom. Whilst carrying out these jobs the Champions will also be collecting pupil voice and making sure the views of the students of St. Clements Academy are heard.

Article 12: Every child has the right to express their
views, feelings and wishes in all matters
affecting them, and to have their views
considered and taken seriously. This right
applies at all times, for example during
immigration proceedings, housing decisions
or the child’s day-to-day home life.

Well done to you all.

ST. Clement’s Stay and Play

Stay and Play

On Wednesday mornings, St. Clement’s holds a Stay and Play session for children aged birth – 3 Years. The sessions are held in the school hall, where there is a wide range of toys and activities to engage the little ones, as well as, friendly staff and parents to enjoy a nice chat with.

If you are interested in attending the sessions then please come along and enjoy the fun! Sessions run from 9.00am – 10.00am and families without children attending  St. Clement’s are also welcome. See Miss Akers for further details.

Health and Wellbeing Pupil Voice

The children were asked how, at St. Clement’s Academy, we support and teach positive Health and Wellbeing.

“You can do Yoga to calm yourself down and relax your mind.” Musab Year 4

“The ‘Time Out’ slips help us a share how we feel – if we can’t tell an adult.” Redwan Year 5

“Mindfulness colouring helps us to relax. ” Lyla Year 5

” I have learnt how to take care of my body.” Poppy Year 6

“There is always someone to talk to when you have a problem.” Mohamed Adam Year 6

“There is always help.” Isa Year 6

“If you struggle with your work or worries the teachers will listen to you and help you.” Sumaya A Year 4

“We are taught how to treat ourselves and respect ourselves.” Selah Year 5

“Calm time before PSHE helps us to focus ion our learning and clear our minds.” Kiana Year 5

We are listened to.” Annayah Year 5

“The School Nurse comes in and teaches us how to treat our body and minds in the right way.” Aneesa Year 4


Cosmic Card Trip – Summer Term

The children have spent all term collecting ‘Cosmic Card’ stamps by finishing their day in gold, on the classroom rocket, and by following the expectations of the Academy. The children, with the most stamps – from each class, were awarded with a morning at Star City. KS1 went to Monster Mayhem and McDonalds, whist KS2 went to Mini Golf and KFC. The children then had the chance to play in the park before coming back to school. At St. Clement’s Academy we are very proud of the children’s achievements – well done!

Cosmic Card Trip Summer Term.

The children have spent all term collecting ‘Cosmic Card’ stamps by finishing their day in gold, on the classroom rocket, and by following the expectations of the Academy.  The children, with the most stamps – from each class, were awarded with a morning at Star City. KS1 went to Monster Mayhem and McDonalds, whist KS2 went to Mini Golf and KFC. The children then had the chance to play in the park before coming back to school. At St. Clement’s Academy we are very proud of the children’s achievements – well done!



St. Clement’s Nursing Home



Visiting St. Clement’s Nursing Home

On the twenty eighth of June 2018, six people from Nursery – Sophie, Eliza, Subhan, Ayaan, Mariam and Christianna visited St. Clement’s Nursing Home. During our visit, we met a variety of people who had very different personalities.

We arrived at five past ten in the morning; we were welcomed by Naomi and Simone who led us upstairs to meet the residents. The nursery children sang for eight different adults. The first song the children sang was ‘Six Little Monkeys’ which some of the adults even joined in with. In total the children sang four different songs and told one story. They sang Six Little Monkeys, Ba Ba Black Sheep, Wheels on the Bus and Five Men in a Flying Saucer and the story was ‘ We are Going on a Bear Hunt’ which everyone seemed to enjoy.  


After singing, the children had a cold drink [squash]. Approximately five minutes after a soothing drink, the children did some colouring with the adults at the nursing home. Ayaan coloured with Lorraine, Christiana coloured with Princess Mary [they call her that because she’s always wearing a crown] and Lesley coloured with Mariam. They all coloured in pictures of animals in a zoo. Eugenia, resident of the Nursing Home, sang ‘Daisy Daisy’ over and over and again with Lesley.


Overall, the nursery children had an amazing time with the teachers and the adults at St. Clements Nursing home and we cannot wait till the next visit.

Eesaa Yasir Year 5