The children in Year Two were learning about people who help us and how they can help us.
They looked at different pictures and used them to help prompt sentences about how different people help us as part of their job. The children discussed the different jobs and asked some good questions.
In Year One today the children have been learning about people who help us and how they help us.
They did this with the help of pictures cutting them out and matching them to their job. They then had to write a sentence about how the different people help them.
The children in year two were asked to identify safe places to play. They was then asked to identify unsafe places to play in their local area and explain why they would be at risk playing in these areas.
Today, in year one, we were talking about feelings . We talked about how we can tell how someone is feeling by their facial expression. In talk partners, the children had to guess how the other person was feeling. They then had to draw their face and write a sentence on how they were feeling today.
The children were asked to recognise when they are not in safe situations. The children will now know how to stay safe in a situation and who to ask for help.
On the 14th September in PHSE, the children discussed when, where and who makes them feel safe. They were asked to complete an activity on safe and unsafe situations.