All posts by H TSANG

Hunting for trees!

In Year 1, we have been learning about the different types of trees. We went on a tree hunt and explored the different leaves each tree has. We now know the scientific names that we can sort trees into. We know that the trees that the leaves fall off and grow again are called deciduous and that evergreen trees, the leaves stay green all year round!

What trees can you find?

Sunflowers in Year 1

In Year 1 in Science, we have planted our very own sunflowers. We have learnt about what things we need to help plants grow healthily. We know that plants and flowers need sunlight, warmth, water and care to help it grow the best it can.

We are going to take it home as part of our home school project and record the progress of the growth.

Who’s sunflower is going to be the tallest?

International Week in Year 1

As part of International week, we have been exploring the different cultures and countries that our families are from. We have discovered that we have children from all around the world from the continent Asia to Africa to Europe. We have learnt lots about the different countries and we are currently writing fact files about the countries and cultures in our class. We have enjoyed sharing some special items, pictures and clothes from our cultures.

We are looking forward to our ‘Celebrating Differences’ party on Friday!

Healthy Eating in Year 1

Today, Nicola our school nurse came to talk to us about healthy eating. We discussed the range of food we need to eat in order to keep healthy. We now know that there are 5 food groups and that we need carbohydrates to give us energy and milk and diary which provides us with calcuim for our bones and teeth to remain healthy.

We sorted the food into the correct food group as a class!

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Child Safety Week in Year 1

Year 1 have focused on ‘Keeping Safe at home.’ We have explored the dangers and hazards we might find at home and how to prevent these things from happening. We have created posters to help everyone remain safe at home.

“We must organize of things, so we don’t hurt ourselves.” Amelia

“We must not go near fire!” Musab

“I told my mummy to put the sharp objects up high, so we don’t hurt ourselves” Amira

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Year 1’s trip to the Synagogue

Year 1 have been learning all about Judaism as part of their Religious Education learning. This week, we have visited Singers Hill Synagogue to learn more about the religion. We were shown around by a Jewish man who worships in the Synagogue for many years, since he was a little boy. He showed us lots of special things and what they mean to Jewish people. We learnt lots and  now know why the Star of David is a special symbol for Jewish people and how many times a day Jewish people pray.

We really enjoyed our trip!

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Noah’s Ark in Year 1

This afternooon, Year 1 performed an assembly based on Noah’s Ark to the whole school and to their parents. The children performed fantastically and Mrs Nizamis and Miss Tsang are extremely proud! They spoke loudly and clearly, and sang beautifully.

Well done Year 1!

Pictures to follow.