In Science, Year 1 have been exploring everyday materials. We know that lots of the things we use everyday are made of plastic, glass, wood, metal and rock. We went on a hunt around our classroom and outside area. We found lots of objects that are made from these items. We found out that some of these objects were made of more than one of these materials.
Superheroes are everywhere in Year 1! Year 1 have been working extremely hard in their first week of Spring Term. We have written superhero poems and created our very own superheroes. They are now flying around our classroom! We have been exploring materials in Science and finding out about transport from the past in History. We have worked really hard and look forward to learning more in our Superhero topic!
This week has been a lovely week in Year 1. We started the week with our special Christmas lunch. We created hats and place mats and took them with us. On Tuesday afternoon, we walked to the church and enjoyed the church service. We also took part in Reception’s Christmas Nativity as the fabulous choir. We sang and joined in with the actions extremely well! Today was Christmas jumper day and the children wore some wonderful jumpers. Thank you for all your donations!
Year 1 are learning about our local environment – Nechells in Geography. We have been learning about physical and human features and how to ask geographical questions. We know that physical features are features that are natural and human features are features that are man-made. On our walk to the Post Office, we noticed lots of human features; houses, shops, road sign etc. We are going to learn some mapping skills and create a map for Mrs Ali to show her how to get back to school from the Post Office.
Year 1 have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We know that there are lots of shapes in our environment. We can name the shapes and we can talk about the properties of the shapes. We have been exploring 3D shapes and discovered the 2D shapes that we can see on them. We can see 6 square faces on a cube! We created our 3D shapes using midget gems and cocktail sticks!
This week Year 1 took part in forest school with Mrs Grant. We were shown how to be safe around a fire. We used our senses to describe what we could see, hear, smell, feel and taste. It helped us to create some superb Firework Poems. We enjoyed tasting hot chocolate!
Year 1 have had a wonderful exploring measuring weight! Betty the Baker needed help to learn all the skills a baker needs. So, we helped her by learning lots about measuring. We learnt all of the mathematical language and measured weight using lots of different resources. We have ended our week with our maths workshop for the parents to see and join in all the fun learning we have been doing this week.
Year 1 had some special visitors in the classroom today! Police officers from Nechells Police station came to talk to the children about their important job they do in the community. Louise and Rob also showed the children the special clothes and gear they have to wear, and the children even had a chance to try it on too!
In Year One we have been learning the language of greater than and less than. We have been counting amounts and labelling them with less or more. We have been learning the symbols that represent greater than and less than and also been discussing what the equals sign actually means. We sang the song ‘The equal sign is a balance’ which has really helped the children to understand this concept. We also used balance scales to show this. Ask your child to sing you the song at home!
In Year 1 we have been learning the story ‘Zog’ by Julia Donaldson. We have been learning to re-tell the story off by heart using actions and role play. We have enjoyed making puppets, creating story maps and using our phonics knowledge to label and write sentences about Zog.
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