All posts by M HARRIS

Year 6 Poetry

For the next two weeks Year 6 are studying  poetry. Looking the  language features and the structure of different  styles of poems.

The children have been looking at poems which reflect  their culture and heritage . Some children even asked their parents to write poems in their native transcript. We have Polish, Dutch, German,  Italian and Arabic  poems. The children were confident reading these aloud in class too.










Y6 maths

We have been  finding the radius and diameters of circles.  We had to use a formula to calculate each. Did you know the radius was half the diameter ( r=1/2d )?  therefore the d=2r

We also enjoyed using a pair of compasses to draw circles.






R.E Year 6

This  term in Year 6 we are looking at SALVATION. We begun by using  the statement  ‘for Christians should Easter be more important than Christmas? We put post-its on whether we agreed or disagreed with the  statement on our RE display.

We looked at the stations of the cross, spent time discussing each station and then placed them in order. Independently we each selected a station and wrote a descriptive paragraph explaining it.

Year 6 Autobiographies

DSC02347We have been looking at the differences between autobiographies and biographies. As a class we decided to write our own autobiography and have produced a super display. This is outside the classroom and pictures will be posted  on the first week back.

Year  6 have also made super progress in their writing this half term, this is encouraging as they are  now becoming more independent and creative








Year 6 SATs preparation

Year 6 are busy using skills in reading to help them on their  way to achieving  success in the forthcoming SATs. The children are becoming more competent in recognising and referring to domains in their  reading.

In maths too they are working hard and have found new confidence when measuring, calculating,  and recognising angles.

Why don’t you ask your child to discuss their learning from this week? Can they discuss angles around a point?

A big thank-you to all the parents who attended parents night ,it was nice you could see and appreciate the improvements in your child’s work.

Maths in Year 6

During last week, Year 6  were looking at using measures in their  maths. They were converting different measures and solving problems involving measures.  It was key to read the problem, convert to same measures, and use  known strategies to solve the calculations. Remembering to revert to the original measure.








RE …has led a good life.

This week in RE we have started to look at  what characteristics show that people have led  good lives.

Mohammed thought that Martin Luther King had led a good life because of these qualities in his character:-

he fought for the rights of everyone,  fought for equality, believed that you could be anything you want. He was dedicated, strong-minded and an inspiration to others.

Hamza thought Allah had led a good life because of these qualities in his character:-

he is a kind and loving God, who cared about people and forgave people when they had made the wrong choices.

Shadow Puppets

In science this half term Year 6 have been studying light and shadow. They have looked at ways in which shadows are formed and how light from a light source is blocked by opaque objects and therefore shadows are created.

The children linked this with Christmas and made shadow puppets of reindeers and other Christmas ideas. The children will perform their shadow puppet  plays next week.





