All posts by Mrs N SIDHU

Year 6 – Feelings

In year 6 we discussed our own early warning signs and when we get them. What are our emotional and physical feelings?  and what feeling safe feels like, so when we don’t feel safe our bodies tell us by giving us physical early warning signs like Dot’s butterflies in her stomach.


Year 3 – Road Safety

In Year 3 we talked about road safety and how we keep ourselves safe when crossing the road.  We started off by asking everyone how to cross a road safely? Discussed if we ever ran across a road, or crossed somewhere dangerous or have been pushed into a road by someone? Then we all shared our stories.

PHSE – Year 4 and 5

 Year 4 – Changes
In Year 4 we discussed ‘Changes’. We talked about what changes are and I asked children to think about any changes they have experienced and the feelings they had.   The children then had to write a list of changes they have had and indicated if they were positive or negative.
 Year 5 – Feelings
This afternoon in Year 5 we discussed ‘Feelings’ and if anyone had ever had a pet that had died and how they felt about it – together the children discussed their stories and then shared as a whole class. To help the children understand the feelings they can experience we read the story ‘when  someone goes away’, then the children complete the pages on feelings from their journals.

PHSE – Year 1 and 2

In Year 2 I introduced the Dot Com characters again and as a class we talked about our family compositions and who we all live with  at home.
In Year 1 we talked about what people do to get ready in the morning, at home time and before bed. I chose scenarios that encourage children to be self-aware and take responsibility for themselves

PHSE – Year 3 and 6

Year 3 – How to stay safe

This week in Year 3 the children have looked at how to keep themselves safe. Children had to look at their helping hand and were reminded who they can talk to if they are worried or concerned. To help the children remember who they could talk to they completed the relevant pages from their Dot Com journals.

Year 6 – Separation

In Year 6 we talked about how to deal with separation. We discussed what might happen if a family becomes divided, how might members of the family feel about this? We also looked at who they can talk to in this situation completing their journals as we went along.

PHSE – Year 1 and 2

Year 1 – Friends

In Year 1 today the children had to think about friends and why they are important – we discussed that friends have different qualities and I gave examples from own experiences.  The children were able to talk about their abilities and what they felt proud of.

Year 2 – Abilities and Interests

In Year 2 today we talked about Rory and Jasmine’s abilities and interests. Children had to tell the class what they are learning to do and what they are good at. Children discussed their abilities and interests.

PHSE – Year 3 and 6

Year 3  – Feelings

In today’s lesson the children were given feeling cards and they had to describe how the children on the cards were feeling and why they may be feeling like that.

Afterwards we talked about how the children could keep themselves safe and together we read Dot’s story on safety. We all discussed how we should keep ourselves safe at all times and the children completed the pages from their journal to reflect this.

Year 6 – Weapons

Today in Tear 6 we talked about weapons.  We explored and discussed the way weapons are portrayed in films and on TV.  We spoke about how this is not a true reflection of reality.

The children completed the relevant pages in their journals on weapons and discussed what the risks of carrying a weapon are.

PHSE – Year 4 and 5

Year 4  – Fear

We started our PHSE lesson with circle time this afternoon.  Together we discussed fear and the effects it has on their own and other people’s behaviour.

Next we read the story ‘being alone’ and I asked the children varying questions.  We had a lot of discussion time and children worked well.

Year 5 –  Influence

In today’s lesson we discussed what is meant by the word ‘influence’ and the children looked at who and what influences them i.e. parents, adverts, friends.

After class discussions the children had to write a definition of the word influence and about some of the things that influence them.