All posts by Mrs N SIDHU

Parent’s Voice – Mentoring

Mentoring sessions have helped my daughter a lot. My daughter is happier at home and at school and I would like for these sessions to continue.
Year 5 Parent

I am very pleased to see my daughter happy at home since she has been getting mentoring sessions. She has been happier and wants to come to school. I would like for these sessions to continue.
Reception Parent

Pupil Voice – Handwriting

I really enjoy handwriting because it has helped me do my letters properly and my mum said my writing is getting better and that makes me very happy.
Kye – Year 1

I enjoy handwriting because it will make me better at writing stories.
Harry – Year 1

Handwriting has helped me a lot because now I am joining my ‘a’ and ‘e’s properly and its neater because my handwriting was messy before.
Amelia – Year 2

Handwriting has helped me by writing neater and I am practicing more and its looking better.
Tasia – Year 2

I enjoy handwriting because my handwriting is getting better and my teacher can see a difference in it and that makes me happy.
Alisha – Year 3

What I enjoy best about handwriting is that is has helped me write neater and I can form my letters properly. I can see a difference in my handwriting.
Dante – Year 3

Best thing that I enjoy about handwriting is that it has improved my handwriting and I can now join properly.
Abdullah – Year 4

By ding handwriting it has helped me improved my letters and I now form them better its helped me out and I have been joining up a lot more.
La-Rhetta – Year 4

What I like most about handwriting is that is helps me with forming my letters properly and I now use it in my writing in Literacy. My writing is now neater than it was before.
Aaliyah – Year 5

The best thing that I enjoy about handwriting is that is has helped me improve my writing. I can for my letters properly. My handwriting has improved and will continue to get better with practice.
Codie – Year 5

Handwriting has helped me a lot because now I am practicing all the time and it has helped me in Literacy and my mum said my writing is getting better.
Muhanad – Year 6

Handwriting has really helped me with forming my letters properly. My writing was very big before and now is smaller and neater.
Printesa – Year 6

6’s and 7’s Pupil Voice

I really enjoyed learning about feelings and talking to other people

Anas – Year 2


I liked learning about giving kind messages to people and about sharing our feelings.

Amelia – Year 2


What I enjoyed the most was sharing our feelings and giving warm messages.

Hafsa – Year 1


I enjoyed learning about giving warm messages and sharing feelings.

Harry – Year 1

St. Clement’s 1:1 Mentoring – Parent Voice

Just some feedback on the extra friendship sessions that were being conducted with my children.  I have found that this is really helped them in terms of social skills, how to develop and maintain a friendship properly in school time.  The activities completed in the session hake them think about how to behave and deal with situations and more importantly think before acting!

Thanks, Mum


My child has had mentoring sessions to cover how to interact with others both at home and in school.  They have helped with behaviour at home and interactions with her younger sibling. It has helped in school as well as in the classroom she is calmer, and allows the teacher time to deal with arising situations.



1:1 sessions have helped improve our child’s overall attitude towards others especially at home.  We are thankful for the time spent talking with her and giving her techniques that seem to be helping.

Mum and Dad


St. Clement’s Jigsaw Pupil Voice

I have enjoyed Jigsaw this half term.  I have really enjoyed learning about growing up and how we have changed since we were a baby.

Amelia – Year 1


Friendship, I have enjoyed learning about different friendship groups and how to be a good friend.

Elijah – Year 1


I have enjoyed the topic feeling.  I liked how we found out about how each individual has different feelings and how we can deal with them.

Sara – Year 2


Growing Up, I have enjoyed learning about how we change as we grow up and how we change from when we were a baby to who we are now.

Mustafa – Year 2


I enjoyed learning about different relationships and how e can make different friends as we grow older and how to keep those friendships.

Isaiah – Year 3


I have enjoyed learning about different relationships and meeting new people.  About making new friends and I enjoy Jigsaw and how we learn about different things.

Luliyana – Year 3


I have enjoyed learning the topic Feelings.  How we can express or feelings to our loved ones and how we go through different feelings all the time.

Ramesah – Year 4


I enjoyed learning about Change and how we have changed from when we were babies to how we look now and how we mature.

Codie – Year 4


I enjoyed learning about different cultures and knowing what other people around the world believe in and how it is different to us.

Kiana – Year 5


I enjoyed learning about different relationships and how we can make friends from a young age and as years go on the friendship grows stronger

Lyla – Year 5


I enjoyed learning about differences and how it’s good to be different.  If we were all the same it would be a boring world.  I also enjoyed learning about other people’s cultures.

Zaara – Year 6


I have enjoyed learning about how to keep ourselves safe and also enjoyed learning about other people’s cultures and how they do things differently.

Kamille – Year 6


Jigsaw – Year 2

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Circle time with Jigsaw Jo in a circle. Jigsaw Jo is holding s feely bag (the bag contains: pebbles, sandpaper, play doh, pine cone and a plastic dinosaur toy). Asked a child to come and feel an object and asked them to describe it e.g smooth, rough, spiky, soft etc., and asked them to say whether they like the feel or not. Then I asked a few other children to do the same and asked them how it feels to the person holding it. Made the point that we may or may not like the feel of something and it is good to be able to say what we think.

Jigsaw – Year 1

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Shared the picture cards with children: baby lying down, a baby crawling, a toddler walking, a five year old running, a ten year old skipping. In groups, I asked the children to place them in sequence. I reinforced the learning that as we physically grow we also do more things.
On Flipchart, I drew the stem and on centre of a flower. Added one petal and stick the first picture (baby) into it. Drew the second petal and asked the children which picture should go in next (baby crawling). Continued until the flower is complete, helping children to understand that every time we learn something new we add a little bit onto ourselves, like adding a petal to a flower.

Jigsaw – Year 4

Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Working in groups of four the children agreed on four changes they are looking forward to when they go to year 5. On their spinning top cube template, they wrote changes on the four sides of the cube. This was then cut out and made into a spinning top using a pencil as the spindle.

Jigsaw – Year 3

Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Working in groups of four the children agreed on four changes they are looking forward to when they go to year 4. On their spinning top cube template, they wrote changes on the four sides of the cube. This was then cut out and made into a spinning top using a pencil as the spindle.

Jigsaw – Year 6

Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Working in groups of four the children agreed on four changes they are looking forward to when they go to secondary school On their spinning top cube template, they wrote changes on the four sides of the cube. This was then cut out and made into a spinning top using a pencil as the spindle.