International Week in Nursery

This week has been international week at St Clement’s.

In Nursery our families come from all over the world:

England, Pakistan, China, Somalia, Bangladesh, Jamaica, Eritrea, Democratic Republic of the Congo and the area previously known as Kurdistan.

We started the week looking at a map of the world to find out where these countries are.


Then we watched videos showing how to make food from different areas, including China and the Caribbean.

On Friday we all made Chapati which is a flat bread eaten in Pakistan and other countries near Pakistan.

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St. Clement’s Pastoral Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice

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” I liked Safety Week because I learnt about keeping safe near water and how to spot dangers.”

Mosara Year 3


” I know how to stay safe at home. I also learnt that you do not tell strangers where you live.”

Taisa Year 1


” It was lots of fun learning about staying safe. I learnt lots of new things – you can not have a Minecraft account if you are under 13 years of age. Also if someone is rude to you on a chat during a game you must tell an adult and report the user. I also know to not share personal information online.”

Basil Year 4 



More From You!

” I learnt about the dangers of smoking and how smoke damages your lungs.”

Omar Year 5

” My class learnt all about Mindfulness. Mindfulness colouring helps you relax.” 

Ellis Year 2

” Breathing in and out slowly helps your body calm down and relax.”

Arinze Year 2

” I know that the Pastoral Team in school are there to take care of us, keep us safe, make sure we feel safe and happy and to help solve our problems.”

Mohammed Year 6

” School has taught us lots about staying safe like, crossing roads, being safe online, not opening doors to people, safe adults in school wear a pass or signing in badge and never share personal information with strangers.”

Basil Year 4 and Mohamed Year 6

” If children have a problem in school there are adults they can talk to – Teachers, Miss Akers, trusted adults and friends. “

Mosara Year 3

” Jigsaw and the teddy help us find a calm happy place and we do deep breaths to give our minds time to be quiet and to relax our heads.”

Taisa Year 1

” I enjoyed creating a Jigsaw Charter about Rights, Rewards, Responsibilities and Consequences in school.”

Mohammed Year 6

” Jigsaw Mindfulness helps us think about a nice, calm place.”

Basil Year 4

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International Week in Year 1

As part of International week, we have been exploring the different cultures and countries that our families are from. We have discovered that we have children from all around the world from the continent Asia to Africa to Europe. We have learnt lots about the different countries and we are currently writing fact files about the countries and cultures in our class. We have enjoyed sharing some special items, pictures and clothes from our cultures.

We are looking forward to our ‘Celebrating Differences’ party on Friday!

Year 5 – International Week

As part of International Week, our children in year 5 learnt that there are seven continents on our planet: Africa, Asia, Antarctica, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania/Australia. They learnt that these seven continents varied in size.

They brought in artefacts that represented their cultural background to share with the class. Some children chose to share some facts that they had researched about their heritage while others brought in objects, pictures, clothing and jewellery.



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St Clement’s Multi Sports Morning

On Friday St Clement’s invited 3 schools to the Aston Villa Academy building for a multi sports morning. All the children took part in a number of sports such as football, handball, dodgeball, coneball and rounders. It was great to see all the children competingDSC_0561 DSC_0685 DSC_0703 DSC_0743 DSC_0808 DSC_0759 DSC_0640 DSC05458 DSC05490 DSC_0818

and making lots of friends in the process. A big thank you to St Michael’s and Grestone Academy for attending.

Year 4 – Science experiment

Year 4 have been learning about the human body and how to look after our teeth. We completed an experiment to investigate how different liquids effect our teeth. To represent the enamel on our teeth we used egg shells and placed them in different liquids such as, milk, water and coke. After a week, we removed the eggs shells from the  liquids to show the effects of sugar on our teeth. IMG_0475[1]IMG_0467[1]IMG_0489[1]

Going in the right direction.

This week we have been learning about directions and patterns. We have learned that patterns have rules. Some patterns have easy rules and some patterns have hard rules. In direction we have learned that anti-clockwise is left and clockwise is right. We know how to do a half turn, quarter turn, three quarter turn and a whole turn.

Sometimes we use north, east, south and west to help us with our turns. You can have 2 or 3 of the same pattern of shape but you can change the colour of the shape. For a example you need 5 different things in one pattern. For a example you could have blue, pink, purple orange and it repeats one more time. Did you know that there is a right angle and they are a quarter turn clockwise and anti-clockwise. From Ellis and Ismael in Year 2.



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Y6 maths

We have been  finding the radius and diameters of circles.  We had to use a formula to calculate each. Did you know the radius was half the diameter ( r=1/2d )?  therefore the d=2r

We also enjoyed using a pair of compasses to draw circles.


