Up Up and away

On Wednesday, Year 2 visited the Think Tank in Birmingham. We went to explore the Planetarium as part of our space topic. When we were there, we sat in a dark room and looked up at the night sky.  We saw twinkling stars and exciting planets. We were told interesting stories about some of the constellations and patterns in the stars. We also went up in a rocket and visited the moon and some other very interesting planets. We had a fantastic time and learned lots about space.


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Year 1’s trip to the Thinktank Museum

To launch our Science topic about our amazing bodies, Year 1 visited the Thinktank museum. We explored the musuem and discovered  lots of amazing things! We also were involved in an amazing bodies workshop and learnt all about senses and our internal organs. We now know some of the important organs we have in our bodies and what their special jobs are.  We have learnt lots and now ready to build on our learning at school. The children behaved amazingly and have made Miss Tsang and Mrs Nizamis extremely proud!

Haiku poetry

Year 3 have been exploring a new genre of writing this week, it has been poetry with a focus on Haiku poetry. Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry that follows a specific pattern.


Haiku poems consist of 3 lines.  The first and last lines of a Haiku have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.  The lines rarely rhyme. Haikus are usually written about things that are recognisable to the reader.


After reading lots of examples and performing, Y3 wrote and performed their own Haiku poetry.

Listen carefully, can you identify the theme of each poem? Can you count the syllables accurately?

Year 4 – The Roman Empire

On Monday afternoon, we started our new topic about Romans. We used an atlas to find the 7 different continents of the world.  Using our new knowledge about the Roman Empire we labelled a map of Europe and the countries the Roman Empire invaded. We couldn’t believe how many countries the Roman Empire invaded!






Owl Babies

This week Reception have been focusing on the book ‘Owl Babies’.
The children enjoyed listening to the story and joining in with repeated phrases. As a class we wrote the sentence ‘I want my mummy.’ which the smallest baby owl, Bill, said. The children read the sentence as a group and some even had a go at writing the sentence!

Here are some pictures from our week:

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The Gingerbread Man

This week in nursery we have been reading The Gingerbread Man.

gingerbread man

We really enjoyed joining in with the repeating phrase run run as fast as you can, you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man!

Mrs Ali suggested that we could make our own gingerbread men (and ladies!).  We found a recipe in our cookery book and we made a list of the things we would need.  Mrs Ali very kindly went to the shop to buy the ingredients.  We all helped make the biscuits.  then we decorated them and took them home to eat.

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We have also enjoyed using the puppets to retell the story.


3 dimensional fun

This week Year6 have been investigating shapes. We had  to identify 3d shapes from  their nets .We found that there were many different nets that could make a cube.

We had to measure accurately , this enabled us to create a net of a 3d shape.






