Kenilworth Castle

Year 2 have visited Kenilworth Castle as part of our fantastic castle topic. We had a brilliant day exploring all of the different parts of the castle. We learned lots about what happened in castles and imagined being alive when it was a working castle. We found out how heavy armour is, how tall the towers are and how scary the cellars are!

Year 2 were incredibly well behaved and were brilliant role models for the school – well done! DSC04432 DSC04492 DSC04493 DSC04494DSC04471 DSC04460 DSC04461 DSC04462 DSC04479 DSC04480 DSC04501 DSC05205

Jason and the Argonauts

During our writing lessons we have been learning about myths. We have learnt the myth Jason and the Argonauts. We can now recite the story with actions. Jason goes on an adventure to find the Golden Fleece and has to battle some evil creatures. Why not ask a member of Year 5 to recite the story?

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Stay and Play

This week, we had an amazing turn out for St Clement’s Stay and Play.

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The children enjoyed interacting with their friends, exploring equipment and building on their developing skills.

Fun and laughter was had by all during song time.  ‘If You’re Happy and You Know it’ and ‘Head Shoulders Knees and Toes’ got all the children and adults moving.

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Come and join in the fun next week!

Sand in the sand pit and sand in our toes!

Over the half term holiday we had a delivery of a huge bag of sand. Some of it has been put in to our outdoor sandpit.  This week we have been exploring how the sand feels, building sandcastles, practising turn taking, talking to our friends, digging for treasure, using our imaginations and practising putting our shoes and socks on.  Few, what a busy week!


“I found some treasure!”IMG_7619 IMG_7620 IMG_7622

“it feels cold”IMG_7631

Performance Poetry

This week  the focus has been performance poetry. Year 3 have been considering what makes a good performance and offering ideas and suggestions for improvements to their own performance and also to the performances of their peers.

The week started with a poem called The School Kids’ rap which allowed Year 3 to explore the rhythm of the poem when performing. Followed by Fruit Picking by Jack Ousbey. For this poem Year 3 were challenged to compose and perform a percussion accompaniment. The end of the week Year 3 looked at a poem called No Word of a Lie by Jackie Kay.

Have a look at our videos of our rap performance of The School Kids’ Rap  🙂

Class Circle

Aaliyah’s Group

Amiras Group

Basils Group

Aneesas Group

Hibas Group

Maheens Group

Zariahs Group

PHSE – Feeling Safe

In Year 1 today children had to recall a time when they felt really safe. Children had to sit in a circle and ask them one by one to pick out a feeling card from the feelings bag. I then asked the children to relate feeling to a safe or unsafe situation. Children worked really well.