The School Council met this week to discuss the issues raised by children. Working together, the council have been able to create a list of the top areas pupils want to see change and are in the process of arranging a meeting with the school SLT. Keep checking our blog for updates on the changes we make.
We took part in a workshop by Professor Brainwave who worked with us to do lots of problem solving with shapes.
Year 2 have also been focusing on measuring length and weight.
We have learned how to use meters (m) and centimeters (cm) to measure length. We used tape measures to measure how tall we are and check who was the tallest and smallest!
Then we used scales to measure out the correct weights of dog food. We had to measure them using grams (g) and kilograms (kg). We had lots of opportunities do use our problem solving skills to make sure there would be enough dog food to last all week. Lastly we then compared the weights of different dogs, spotting which was the heaviest and which was the lightest.
Today ,Friday 11th November, Year 5 presented a Remembrance Assembly.
The children really wanted to mark the end of their topic work on WWII by showing respect and thanks to all the soldiers who fought in WWI, WWII, and other conflicts that have happened around the world. The children explained that Armistice Day was the day that the guns stopped firing during WWI and that Remembrance Sunday is always the first Sunday after the 11th November.
We created art work inspired by the poppies of Flanders Field and displayed it during our assembly. We then explained why a poppy is worn and what each part represents.
This week Green class have started their Religious Education learning with pass the parcel. Inside each layer was a question which prompted plenty of discussion and sharing of ideas and opinions around the meaning of Christmas.
Question 1: What does Christmas mean to me?
Question 2: How do you celebrate Christmas?
Question 3: Why is Christmas important to some people in the world?
Question 3: When is Christmas celebrated?
Question 4: What is the best part of living in a country that does celebrate Christmas?
This week we have really enjoyed the story Shark in the Park by Nick Sharratt.
The children were great at joining in, especially when it was time to shout: THERE’S A SHARK IN THE PARK! I hope we didn’t disturb the rest of the school with our shouting!
We also looked at a non-fiction book about sharks and found out that there are lots of different types of shark.
Lots of the children had heard and seen fireworks over the weekend so we decided to create some firework pictures.
Maths week
For maths week we have talked about shapes. We are starting to use shape names and also the language of size.
This week, Reception held a phonics meeting for parents. We were really happy that lots of parents came to join us and were very engaged. We hope that it was beneficial and that it will help your child enjoy reading as much as we do!
This week in maths, we have been looking at measuring in Year 1 We have been focusing on measuring length. We have been using the language of measure to compare lengths and have explored measuring in a range of ways.
We have especially enjoyed taking part in a range of problem solving activities. We were set a problem and worked in our groups to resolve the problem.
We had to measure an owl using cubes and then made a house to fit the owl inside it. We were able to work as a group to measure and discuss how the owl would fit in the house.
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