Year 6 working with the Birmingham Hippodrome team.

Year 6 have had a great opportunity this week to work with members of the Birmingham Hippodrome team. Children have worked with the team to create headdresses and back packs which they will wear when leading the Carnival Parade next week. Children have created all their costume pieces with the Brazilian flag colours and have used a range of materials to create the headdresses and back pack. Year 6 have really enjoyed being creative this week. Look at some our hard work below.

















Riddles (year 2)

This week we have been learning to write riddles. We have read lots of different riddles and discussed the key features. We have learnt how to write similes. Today, in Big Write, we wrote our own riddles based on our chosen animal! They were fantastic! Well done year 2!

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Debating in Year 5

Over the past two weeks, Year 5 have been looking at persuasive arguments in literacy. On Tuesday this week, we had the chance to debate a number of motions to help us with using persuasive language and how to structure an argument. The motions we debated were Art is better than PE; Zoos should be banned; and Children should be able to learn to drive form the age of 10. For each debate we had a proposition and an opposition team. Both teams had time to research their argument before writing it up. They then debated against each other before the rest of the class voted on which side they agreed with.

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Making Piranhas

As part of our topic on Brazil we have been making Piranhas out of paper plates! We had to carefully layer tissue paper on to the plate so you could not see any gaps. They will be displayed in school for everyone to see.

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Reception’s sea turtles!

In Reception we have been exploring different sea creatures as part of our seaside topic. We looked at the life cycle of a sea turtle and learnt all about the different stages of their life and how they grow. We found out that sea turtles can lay up to 200 eggs! The children made information booklets about the life cycle which included some fantastic writing.

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Year 6 2016 Olympic Games Maths Challenge

Year 6 completed a Maths challenge where they needed to use their problem solving skills and mathematical knowledge to create a Olympic Torch for the 2016 Olympics. Children were split into two groups. Some children completed word problems related to the Olympics and some children worked in small groups and needed to work from a specification to create a Olympic torch. Children were required to use their knowledge of measure, proportion and problem solving skills to complete the task.






Should we build a new hotel?

In Year 4 this week we have been practising our debating skills as part of our topic on the blue abyss. We began by researching the coral reef and reading ‘Where the forest meets the sea’. This gave us lots of ideas about why it would be exciting to visit the Great Barrier Reef but also why a hotel might be a bad idea,

We sorted facts and opinions into two sides of an argument- those for building a new hotel, the Aquis Resort, and those against. We then split into 2 groups,  presented our side of the argument and tried to persuade the other side to change their mind.

It was a very heated debate and we showed how good we are at making our point and giving evidence.IMG_0918   IMG_0963 IMG_0964 IMG_0966 IMG_0968


Year 3 and their magic glasses

Hopefully you have had great fun learning the main features of our class story Little Red Riding Hood and have been joining in with the actions.

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As part of our Talk 4 Write lesson today we had to spot the patterns in our story – Little Red Riding Hood.

With the help of our magic glasses we have been able to ‘box up the text‘.  This means we have been able to identify the key parts of the warning tale and where in our story they area.

A warning tale has the following features:

  • The Main Character (MC) is given a warning.
  • The MC does something they are warned not to do.
  • Something goes wrong as a result of ignoring the warning and the MC is in trouble.
  • The MC is character is rescued.
  • The MC is is punished or told off for not listening to the warning.

Now, discuss which parts of the story belong in which section?DSC01662 DSC01663 DSC01666 DSC01667 DSC01668 DSC01669 DSC01670