Fire Safety in Year 4



Today in Year 4 we had a visit from Aston fire fighters. They taught us all about fire safety and how to spot fire hazards in our homes. We also learnt the safest route to leave our house if there is a fire and what to do if we hear our smoke alarm going off. We learnt that fire fighters have to wear special clothes to keep themselves protected from the fire. Some children were lucky enough to try on the special uniform.

The message to remember is ‘Get out, stay out, call out!’









Year 1 learning about celebrations

In RE this half term, year 1 are learning all about Hanukkah, which is a Jewish celebration. To start our learning, we spent this week’s RE lesson learning about different types of celebrations and how people celebrate.

After looking at different celebrations we had a special visitor and we used what we had learnt to help them celebrate their birthday.  Can you guess who our visitor was from the pictures below?


Our special vistor
Our special visitor

celebration 2 celebration 3 clebration 5 cel;ebration 6 celebration 7celebration 10celebration 11celbration 12clebration 12


Whoosh Around the Mulberry Bush

This has been a very busy week in Nursery. We were visited by Nurse Amanda and Nurse Nicola who told us all about making sure we wash our properly. They put gel on our hands, then asked us to go and wash it off. Then we had to put our hands under a special light that showed us how clean our hands were straight after washing them. It was bad news we weren’t washing them properly but since the nurses demonstration we are now!



We have based our work around the book Whoosh around the Mulberry bush and our focus has been learning about words that rhyme. We have been doing lots of counting activities , tracing and name writing too.


We have also been looking at primary colours and finding out how colours change when they mix. We painted one hand then the other and before we rubbed them together we predicted the colour we would make.







Hand washing in Reception!

This week, we were lucky to have the school nurse visit Reception to teach us all about the importance of hand washing. We know that we need to wash our hands regularly and with soap! We were taught how to wash our hands properly. We know we need to remember to wash every part of our hands, especially our thumbs and around the finger nails. The nurse also showed us a special germ detector where we could see all of the nasty germs on our hands!

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