Category Archives: Year 1

Exploring Chinese New Year through our Senses!

This week in Science we have been exploring Chinese New Year through our senses. We used all of our five senses to explore how chinese people celebrate the start of their new year. We have been using our taste buds to try some yummy noodles and prawn crackers and our ears to listen to a Chinese celebration on the ipads. We worked in our groups to think of lots of adjectives to describe what we were smelling, tasting, touching, hearing and seeing.

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Year 1 PHSE

This week in PHSE we continued circle time, the other half of the class had to use small mirrors to look at themselves making different faces and discuss it with the rest of the children.
Children worked very well in a team and there was good discussion.

Year 1 PHSE – Feelings

In PHSE this week Year 1 talked about feelings and how they  can manage them. We talked about who they can talk to when feeling sad or worried. We also talked about behaviour and how we could calm ourselves down if we ever got angry.
In circle time the children had to use small mirrors to look at themselves making different faces and discuss it with the rest of the children.
Children then had to complete a feelings page in their journal

Our Senses!

In Science, we have been learning about our bodies and our senses. We know that there are five senses: hear, smell, see, touch and taste. We have been working in our groups to sort pictures into the senses that we use. We also thought about activities that we do at school and drew them into the sense that we use.

Next week, we are going to use our senses to explore different food, yum, yum!

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This week Year 1 have been looking at the story ‘Supertato’. We have been busy learning the story off by heart, re-telling the story to our friends, and becoming the characters. We now know the story off by heart and have written the story using our clever sentence writing. In art, we made a design of Supertato with a brand new cape and mask. After we created our design we made our very own Supertato!


Year 1’s Class Assembly

Today, Year 1 performed their class assembly to the whole school and to the parents. The assembly was about Noah’s Ark and the special promise that God made to the world. The narrators and the children with speaking parts spoke loudly and beautifully for everyone to hear. All the children tried really hard and all the teachers are very proud of them!

Well done Year 1!

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Year 1 PHSE – 12.01.17

Rory and Jasmine meet Dot Com.

In PHSE this week we did circle time and talked about the characters jasmine and Rory and asked the children to describe which one is Rory and which one is jasmine. (This provides an opportunity to talk about the fact it doesn’t matter if you’re girl or a boy, you can choose what you like and dislike).

Children had to introduce themselves, say how old they are, who they live with and what they think they are good at. Children then had to draw a picture of themselves and why they are special.