All posts by Mrs N SIDHU

Jigsaw – Year 5

Yesterday, everyone, including the adults took part the Calm me activity to help make sure we’re ready to learn.

The children were then put into groups of four. One child from each group then took an item from Jigsaw Jez’s bag (rugby ball, spoon, pebble, key, bag of coins, bell etc).

Their mission was to make up a new game using the item they picked. Every group then shared their games with other groups and received feedback on whether they were good or not. They then discussed whether rules are necessary to enjoy the games.

Jigsaw – Year 4

Last Thursday at the start of the session the children were shown ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ to help reinforce how they work together as a team.
Everyone including the adults, then participated in the ‘Calm Me’ exercise. It was explained to the children that this was to help get their minds ready to learn. We discussed how staying calm and focusing our minds would help us to visualise and create pictures in our minds.
The ‘Open my mind’ activity involved role cards. Children were put into pairs and were given one role card and one blank description card. They then had to list the three most important jobs that the person on the card does in the school community and how they help them to learn.
Then without showing anybody the role card, pairs took turns to read out the job description card so the other children could try and guess who was on the role card.

Jigsaw – Year 3

Last Thursday we started the session by showing the children ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ to help reinforce how they work together as a team.
Everyone including the adults, then participated in the ‘Calm Me’ exercise. It was explained to the children that this was to help get their minds ready to learn.
We then moved onto the ‘Connect us’ section of the lesson. Sitting in a circle in pairs, the children passed around Jigsaw Jino’s feelings bag. One child from each pair then picked out a feeling and had to mime out the feeling to the rest of the circle.

Jigsaw – Year 6

At the start of the session everyone including the adults, participated in the ‘Calm Me’ exercise. It was explained to the children that this was to help get their minds ready to learn.
The children were then shown ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ to help reinforce how they work together as a team.
The children played a game called ‘Off to Market’. The tracker started a song saying: “Jigsaw Jem went to market and bought……” Teacher filled in the blank with bananas, then the next child on the left had to sing the same song remembering what was bought and then adding another item. Each child would have to try and remember all the items and add their own to the list.
The ‘Open my mind’ exercise involved the children to write a list of what they would get if they won the lottery. They would then have to cross out all the things that they don’t ‘need’ and then review the list is see what’s left.
Finally the children looked at Maslow’s triangle and tried to understand his theory of the hierarchy of human need.

Jigsaw – Year 5

We did the ‘Calm me’ exercise at the beginning and explained that the benefit of this was to help the to learn by calming down their minds.
We shared ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ with the children to help reinforce how we work together as a group.
The ‘Connect us’ section of the lesson involved playing a game called ‘I sit in the woods’. The children had to sit in a chair in a circle with one empty chair remaining. Everyone had to rotate so that everyone was in a different seat to when they started.
The aim of ‘Tell me or show me’ was to get the children to solve a picture without using any verbal communication.
Finally, for ‘Let me learn’ the children were put into groups. They were asked to list the top six things ALL children need in order to be able to learn. All groups then feed back their lists to the group and then they picked the top six from all the lists.

Jigsaw – Year 2

Last Thursday in Year 2 we first shared ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ with the children to help reinforce how we work together as a group.
We then did the ‘Calm me’ exercise and explained to the children the benefit of this activity and how it can help them learn by calming down their minds.
Next the ‘Tell Me or Show Me’ activity involved reading the class ‘I’ll Do It: Learning About Responsibility : Taking Responsibility (Values)’. The children then asked each other in pairs what they think ‘responsibility’ means.
Finally, to take part in the ‘Let me learn’ activity the children were put into groups of four. ‘Responsibility cards’ were handed out to each group and these illustrated different ways of being responsible within school. The children then organised the responsibilities from the most to the least important.

Jigsaw – Year 1

Last Thursday in Year 1 we started the session by looking at and sharing ‘The Jigsaw Charter’ to help reinforce to the children how they work together as a team.
Everyone including the adults, then participated in the ‘Calm Me’ exercise. It was explained to the children that this was to help get their minds ready to learn.
The ‘Open My Mind’ activity which followed involved singing a song called ‘I am special’.  We sang it several times whilst holding hands in a circle.
We then completed the ‘Tell Me or Show Me’ task. The class were shown a picture of a group of children learning well together. The class was then split into pairs and they were asked to think about how they could help each other learn.

Jigsaw – Year 4

Yesterday in Year 4 we started our lesson by sharing and looking at the ‘Jigsaw Charter’ to reinforce and help them understand how we work together.
We played a bingo game – ‘Meet & Greet’.  This game helps the children become more aware of all the similarities and differences they have with their class friends.
Next we all took part in the ‘Calm Me’ activity to help the children’s minds calm down so that they were ready to learn.
During the main part of the lesson we completed an activity called ‘Open my mind’. This encourages the children to understand what it feels like to be included and excluded from a team/group and reinforces the need for everyone to be included and feel part of the class team.

Jigsaw – Year 3

Yesterday in Year 3 we begin our lesson by looking at the ‘Jigsaw Charter’ and to reinforce how we work together.
Next we played ‘Switch’. The aim of this game is to gain awareness of the similarities and differences between each other.
After this we all took part in a ‘Calm Me’ activity the aim of which is to help the children’s minds calm down so that they are ready to learn.
For the main part of the lesson we placed a treasure box in the middle of the circle and I asked the children to write down their achievements on a gold coin (in secret) and then place it in the box. The group then had to guess who each achievement belonged to.

Jigsaw – Year 5+6

In yesterdays session we started off by sharing the ‘jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.

We then played a ‘Blast Off’ game with the whole class. The game encouraged the class to work as a group and listen to each other. The better they worked as a team the more enjoyable the game became.

After the game was completed we worked through a ‘Calm Me’ activity. This helped the children to calm down so that they were ready to learn.

Next the children spent time looking at a PowerPoint that had pictures of British scenes. They then had to tell each other what thoughts came into their minds after looking at the picture.