Year 4 – Trip to Dudley Zoo

On Thursday 7th June, Year 4 visited Dudley Zoo. We learnt about the different animals such as tiger, lions, monkeys, snakes and seals. Before lunch, we listened to a talk all about birds of prey. The zookeeper made us all sit on the floor and the bird of prey flew over our heads! After lunch, we visited the bats inside the dark, mysterious castle. We ending the day by playing in the huge sandpit, or rolling down the hill. We all had a fantastic day and we have learnt lots of new facts about different animals their habitats and their diet.


Learning all about Rivers in Year 3

Year 3 have started our new topic ‘Flow’ and will be learning all about rivers this term. We began the week by learning Valerie Bloom’s poem ‘The River’ and listening to this song about the journey of the river:

In literacy we been learning about poetic devices, such as rhyme, alliteration, repetition, similes and metaphors. We then created our own poems about rivers. We worked collaboratively with partners to plan and write our river poems. Then we performed and gave each other feedback.

Here are some poems written by Year 3 children:

Jigsaw – Year 4

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
I showed the children a picture of myself as a child with my parents and asked the children to pick out any physical characteristics I may have been given by one of my parents, e.g. blue eyes, brown hair. I described one of my parents and shared with the children some of the characteristics I have recieived from them, e.g. love of animals, patience, etc

Jigsaw – Year 3

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Showed the children PowerPoint slides of baby pictures only. Asked the children to share their thoughts about the pictures and using Jigsaw Jino as the talking object, shared their feelings about the pictures.
Then showed a couple of slides on the PowerPoint of a mother and baby. Shared the reading book ‘my new baby’
We discussed and asked children to think about how it feels/might feel to have
Newborn baby and how the baby needs to be looked after.

Phonics workshop in Year 1

Today in Year 1, we had our Phonics workshop for parents. The children were confident to show the parents how fantastic they are at phonics. We showed the parents how we read words by looking for digraphs and sounding out the words. Then the parents joined us for lots of phonics activities and we had lots of fun!


Jigsaw – Year 6

Changing me – transition to secondary school
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
Children watched a PowerPoint slide of an inflatable bungee run , in talking partners, children had to suggest ways in which the bungee run is a symbol of them starting secondary school. Children discussed what they are looking forward to but maybe held back by some fears or concerns like the bungee cord around their waist.

Jigsaw – Year 5

Changing me
Shared ‘The jigsaw charter’ with the children to reinforce how we work together.
Calm me
At the beginning of every jigsaw lesson we help our minds calm down so that we are ready to learn.
In today’s session we discussed personal hygiene and how our bodies are changing. We discussed how we should keep ourselves clean at all times.