Category Archives: UNICEF

Thinking about the special people who look after us!

In year 2 we have been busy preparing for Mother’s Day. We have been learning lots of songs, in preparation for the Mothers’s Day assembly, thanking our mum’s for all the wonderful ways they help us. We made some beautiful cards by sketching Spring daffodils and carefully colouring them in using watercolours. As a class we discussed ways that we could thank people who look after us and thought of simple gestures as ways to show our appreciation.


The children have voted and this years Pupil Council and UNICEF representatives have been chosen.

Together they will be called ‘Children Champions’ and will carry out a range of tasks. Firstly, they will be looking at changing the academy’s house point system and designing and calculating cost for a KS2 outdoor classroom. Whilst carrying out these jobs the Champions will also be collecting pupil voice and making sure the views of the students of St. Clements Academy are heard.

Article 12: Every child has the right to express their
views, feelings and wishes in all matters
affecting them, and to have their views
considered and taken seriously. This right
applies at all times, for example during
immigration proceedings, housing decisions
or the child’s day-to-day home life.

Well done to you all.

St. Clement’s Pastoral Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice

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” I liked Safety Week because I learnt about keeping safe near water and how to spot dangers.”

Mosara Year 3


” I know how to stay safe at home. I also learnt that you do not tell strangers where you live.”

Taisa Year 1


” It was lots of fun learning about staying safe. I learnt lots of new things – you can not have a Minecraft account if you are under 13 years of age. Also if someone is rude to you on a chat during a game you must tell an adult and report the user. I also know to not share personal information online.”

Basil Year 4 



More From You!

” I learnt about the dangers of smoking and how smoke damages your lungs.”

Omar Year 5

” My class learnt all about Mindfulness. Mindfulness colouring helps you relax.” 

Ellis Year 2

” Breathing in and out slowly helps your body calm down and relax.”

Arinze Year 2

” I know that the Pastoral Team in school are there to take care of us, keep us safe, make sure we feel safe and happy and to help solve our problems.”

Mohammed Year 6

” School has taught us lots about staying safe like, crossing roads, being safe online, not opening doors to people, safe adults in school wear a pass or signing in badge and never share personal information with strangers.”

Basil Year 4 and Mohamed Year 6

” If children have a problem in school there are adults they can talk to – Teachers, Miss Akers, trusted adults and friends. “

Mosara Year 3

” Jigsaw and the teddy help us find a calm happy place and we do deep breaths to give our minds time to be quiet and to relax our heads.”

Taisa Year 1

” I enjoyed creating a Jigsaw Charter about Rights, Rewards, Responsibilities and Consequences in school.”

Mohammed Year 6

” Jigsaw Mindfulness helps us think about a nice, calm place.”

Basil Year 4

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Anti Bullying Week at St. Clement’s

As part of Anti Bullying Week the UNICEF children’s committee delivered a whole school assembly. They looked at articles 5,12,13 and 14. The children gave examples of different types of bullying, ways to report it, the effects and lots of other important information. The assembly finished with a whole sing/dance along to ‘Bars and Melody – Hopeful.’

Article 5: Governments should respect the rights and responsibilities of families to direct and guide their children so that, as they grow, they learn to use their rights properly. 

Article 12: When adults are making decisions that affect children,
children have the right to say what they think should happen and have their opinions taken into account.

Article 13: Children have the right to get and share information, as long as the information is not damaging to them or others. In exercising the right to freedom of expression, children
have the responsibility to also respect the rights, freedoms and reputations of others. 

Article 14: Children have the right to think and believe
what they want and to practice their religion, as long as they are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. Parents should help guide their children in these matters.

The school nurse also visited each year group to discuss the impact of bullying on a persons health, where to go for support and coping strategies – to build resilience.

In classes, children took part in circle times and whole class discussions to deeper their understanding. The School Council took time to look over the schools ‘Anti Bullying’ Policy and give their opinions and make any changes.

Throughout the week the message has been clear – At St. Clement’s we are a family who cares, respects and shows tolerance to each other. To quote the children’s words from the UNICEF assembly, “We are proud of to be apart of the St.Clement’s family because we show care and respect for all people.”

‘All Different All Equal’

Selah Prayer - Bullying

UNICEF Assembly


Article 24 
Every child has the right to the best
possible health. Governments must
provide good quality health care, clean
water, nutritious food, and a clean
environment and education on health
and well-being so that children can stay
healthy. Richer countries must help poorer
countries achieve this.

Article 29 
Education must develop every child’s
personality, talents and abilities to the
full. It must encourage the child’s respect
for human rights, as well as respect
for their parents, their own and other
cultures, and the environment.

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Article 14

Article 14

Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and to practice their are not stopping other people from enjoying  their rights. governments must respect the rights of parents to give their children  information about this right.


Due to article 14 children can express themselves. All children have the right to believe what they want and to have their religion respected by everyone as long as it does not stop others from enjoying their rights.

Their are lots of different religions:  Christianity, Islam, Non-religion, Hinduism, Chinese and Buddhism.  Governments  must do all they can to make sure that children have their religions respected by all.



By Suffah

                                                     (UNICEF COMMITTEE)  


A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and independence, and to play an active part in the community. Governments must do all they can to provide support to disabled children.

Here at St. Clement’s C of E Academy, the staff encourage the students to have fun, learn and build up their self-esteem, especially by creating after school clubs such as boxing and multi-sports, used to not just have fun, but to also help the children acknowledge that people with disabilities are fully welcome at the school.

Some of the worlds best sports stars are wheelchair basketball players.

A disability should not stop any child from living a normal life and having the same rights as others.


By Zain

Year 5 UNICEF committee



Article 12: You have the right to give your opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously. 

Thank you to parents and pupils who shared their thoughts and ideas with us.


Parent Voice

“The school has safety workshops and visits from the police, which shows parents you care about children’s safety.”

“I would like to see academic clubs at a lunchtime, like Reading Eggs, my children love Reading Eggs.”

“I would like to see have a parent workshop which supports us with bedtime routines.”

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Pupil Voice

“I would like support in learning how to do football skills.”

“I want help to find a swimming club outside of school.”

“We help keep ourselves safe by following school rules.”

“Adults in school keep us safe because they teach us right from wrong and then we will know how to be safe when we are older.”