Category Archives: Reception

A Physical Morning in Reception

On Friday Miss Doal and Mrs Nizamis had the chance to teach PE. We went into the hall to play some games for the children to practice using their gross motor skills using large movements. We moved our bodies and traveled in different ways across the hall. We also practiced throwing and catching. In the classroom we practiced developing our fine motor skills using small movements with our hands and fingers. We practiced cutting, threading with beads and pasta and twisting nuts and bolts.

Well Being Week…What We Think.

Well Being Week Pupil Voice

Mikaeel Reception – ” All the teachers keep me safe.”

Eliora Reception – ” The cameras on the building help make sure we stay safe.”

Hafsah Year 1 – “We learnt that exercising makes you feel amazing.”

Kye Year 1 – “Exercising give us more energy to do things and keeps us fit.”

Amira Year 2 – “We learnt about being kind to make people feel happy.”

Amaan Year 2 – “I learnt that when you help people you help their feelings.”

Dante Year 3 – “I learnt that deep breathing helps us stay calm.”

Olivia Year 3 – “I learnt lots of ways to keep myself healthy.”

Isaiah Year 4 – “Meditating is a way of staying calm.”

Ayah Year 4 – “I learnt that if my well being is good I am relaxed.”

Codie Year 5 – ” Fake news can be called ‘Clip Bait’ and things like Green Screen and Photo Shop are used to make it.”

Carmen Year 5 – ” Fake news is very bad and is used to spread bad things, make money and to give people the wrong information.”

Shanti Year 6 –  “You should never send inappropriate images – it can ruin your life and others.”

Erica Year 6 – ” I enjoyed learning about how much sleep I should get every night. It was really nice to find this out.”

Ash End Farm

On Monday Reception and Nursery went on a trip to Ash End House Farm. When we arrived we enjoyed having lunch in the barn and then had lots of fun feeding and stroking the different farm animals. We found out lots of information about the animals and what life is like on the farm. We saw cows, horses, chicks, goats, pigs, and much more. Our favourite part of the trip was seeing the reindeer and Santa. Santa gave us all a present and we sang lots of Christmas songs throughout the day. We also learnt about the Christmas story and acted it out. Before our coach journey back to school we had a play in the play area.

Andy Goldsworthy

This week, the children have learnt about the artist Andy Goldsworthy. They found out that he makes sculptures using natural resources such as leaves, stones, rocks and ice. The children collected different materials and had a go at creating artwork in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.
Here are some photos of their fabulous work:

Anti-Bullying Week in Reception

This week we have spoken about kindness and feeling happy. We have also spoken about how we are all different but all needed to be treated fairly.

Here are some of the children’s views on kindness:
Salma – “I am kind because I share.”
Sedille – “I am kind because I help tidy up and I am good all the time.”
Aisha – “I am kind because I make friends with everyone.”
Mussie – “I am kind. I help. I tidy.”
Khadija – “I am kind because I play with everyone.”

Here are some of the children feeling happy!


Little Red Riding Hood in Reception

This week we have been focusing on the book ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We have learnt actions for the story and created a story map as a class. The children have written a list of what was in LRRH’s basket. They have labelled the character’s name. They have also labelled the big, bad wolf and have sequenced and retold the story!

Reception’s celebration week!

This week, Reception have learnt all about Bonfire night and Diwali. We learnt about the gunpowder plot story to find out why Bonfire night is celebrated and we found out how it is celebrated. On Tuesday we had a fire outside in our forest school area. We had hot chocolate and marshmallows and sang songs around the fire. We made firework pictures and created rocket fireworks using 3D and 2D shapes. On Thursday we learnt about Diwali. We listened to the story of Rama and Sita to find out why Diwali is celebrated. We decorated mehndi hands and made Diwali cards.

Positional Language in Reception

This week for our maths learning Reception have been learning all about positional language. We have listened to a very catchy song called ‘where’s the monkey?’ to help us learn the language. We played different games with the wellies and the doll’s house to follow positional instructions and directions.

Phonics Workshop for Reception

Today we held a phonic workshop for Reception parents and carers. We discussed what phonics is and how you can help your child at home. We explored different activities that can be done at home and the types of activities they do at school to practice and embed their phonics learning.
Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended. Your support means a lot to us. 



We love the outdoors!

The children have been busy doing some fantastic learning outside this week. We have set up some different areas for the children to play in. You may have noticed our new garage role play, reading area, writing and maths sheds and our ‘Three Bears’ cottage! We have also explored some autumn vegetables and used acorns, conkers, and leaves to create art work.