All posts by Miss M SUWANPATRA

Reading for Pleasure in Year 5

Thank you to those who were able to meet with us last week at the Parents’ Evening. Wee hope you found the information useful. As discussed, reading skills and the love of reading are an important part of learning. To support your child even more, you can also listen to audio books online. This is a fantastic way to learn new words and heard how intonation is used in storytelling.

Here are some websites that you can visit for free, good quality audio books:

1001 audio stories


Poetry in Year 5

Year 5 are learning the poem ‘Silver’ by Walter de la Mare and practicing reciting and using different intonations, rhythms and volume.

Related image

We also discussed the author’s use of poetic devices and vocabulary. We used some of these skills to write our own description of the images from the poem.

Figurative language anchor charts/posters/cards. alliteration • hyperbole • idioms • metaphors personification • onomatopoeia • similes

First week in Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! This week Year 5 have been settling into their new classroom and thinking about aspirations for the coming year. We have been working on being a team by being excellent communicators and collaborators. We have also been thinking about having a growth mindset and persevering with our learning.


Year 5 have P.E. on Monday and Thursday

Parents’ evening is on Wednesday 12th September

Colour poems in Year 3

Year 3 have been developing their adventurous vocabulary and using this to write imaginative poems.

First, we collaborated to come up with ideas and improve the vocabulary we use. We then read some good examples and learnt from them.

We then used everything we have learnt to write our own!

Health Week in Year 3

Year 3 have been learning about keeping healthy this week. We have learnt about how muscles work and different ways to exercise safely. We investigated and wrote some fantastic explanation texts.

We want to say a big thank you to the parents who were able to come and support the workshop on Wednesday. Year 3 learnt about the importance of healthy eating, using a knife and making a balanced meal.

We also learnt about the importance of mental health and well being. We did some yoga, meditation and mindfulness activities.

Year 3 Hinduism Assembly

Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend Year 3’s class assembly. We have been learning all about Hinduism in R.E. and shared some of the stories that we have learnt in Hinduism.

We told the Hindu creation story, the story of Holika and Prahlard and shared what we know about mandirs and Hindu Gods and Goddesses.

Visitors in RE

As part of their learning in RE, Year 3 have been learning the Creation story and what Christians believe about taking care the world. We welcomed the four visitors to share with us how they take care of God’s Wonderful World.

The pupils interviewed our visitors, asking questions and listening carefully to their answers.

Year 3: The King of the Fishes

Year 3 have been learning a new narrative ‘The King of the Fishes’. We created actions to help us remember the story and will be practicing and getting to know the story very well for the next few weeks. Here is the story map that we use to help us and a video of our story telling.

Can you practice more at home?

Can you retell the story in your home language?

Can you look up these words in a dictionary?

  • humble
  • remote
  • guilty
  • shimmer
  • grant
  • cradle

Learning all about Rivers in Year 3

Year 3 have started our new topic ‘Flow’ and will be learning all about rivers this term. We began the week by learning Valerie Bloom’s poem ‘The River’ and listening to this song about the journey of the river:

In literacy we been learning about poetic devices, such as rhyme, alliteration, repetition, similes and metaphors. We then created our own poems about rivers. We worked collaboratively with partners to plan and write our river poems. Then we performed and gave each other feedback.

Here are some poems written by Year 3 children: