Nursery and Reception visit to Ash End Farm

On Wednesday Nursery and Reception went on a trip to Ash End Farm.  We had a brilliant day looking at the animals and finished with a visit to a special person.  Can you guess who?  Look at the photos below to see if you are right.

The weather was cold but the sun was shining.


On the coach we sang Old Macdonald had a Farm and The Wheels on the Bus.

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When we arrived we went to the play area, it was really good fun, especially the huge jumping pillow.




We listened carefully to the lady.  She told us about chickens then we were able to hold one of them.



We were able to feed some of the animals. The goats were very hungry!

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The lady read us the nativity story.  Some of the children dressed up to help tell the story.


Finally we got to see Father Christmas!  We each received a present and a badge.

We had a really great time.

Science of Sound

This week in Year 4  we have looked at a variety of different instruments and how they make different sounds. After discussing the instruments we decided which instrument we wanted to make using a range of different materials. Lots of us made guitars, some of us made a drum kit out of plastic bottles and some made wind pipes using plastic straws.

We also explored how sound travels over a distance using a string telephone. We used 2 paper cups and string to make our telephones. Then we investigated how the sound vibrations passed along the string. We took it in turns with our partner to talk into the cup at one end of the string and listen carefully to what are partner was saying.

Take a look at our instruments and string telephones.


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Our amazing bodies – inside our bodies!

This week in Science, Year 1 have been exploring inside the human body. We have learnt the names of all of our important organs and their special jobs. We explored an app on the ipad called ‘Virtuali-Tee’.  We had to wear a special t-shirt which showed us what our insides look like.  We saw what the inside of our bodies look like!


Pictures to follow

Persuasive writing

Year three have been busy learning all about a new genre of writing – persuasion. Persuasive writing contains lots of features that are new to the children. Rhetorical questions, sentences that talk to the reader to make them want something, superlative, apostrophes for contraction, expanded noun phrases and prepositions to aid description. Then finishing up with a slogan.

With our topic focus being Heroes & Villains, Year 3 have designed their own gadget that every superhero needs. Have a look at their writing, does it persuade you that you need these new products?

Stargazing in year 5

Year 5 have had a great start to their topic of stargazing.

The moon is a central part of myths across different countries and cultures as people seek to explain the wonder of day and night, the changing shape of the moon and the array of stars and constellations. Children read the Chinese legend of Chang-e, the Inuit myth of Annigan, the moon god, and the Aztec myth of Tecciztecatl and discussed what they might be explaining. This helped the children to then write their own moon myths.

As part of this study of the moon, the children created moon pictures using both chalks and paint to represent the surface of the moon.

The results are amazing and an inspiring start to our topic.

A busy week in Nursery

This week has been varied and busy, as always!

On Monday Mrs Ali told us that it was one of the teacher’s birthday.  This led to the children making birthday cards.  They folded the card, drew pictures and practised writing their names.  We then took the cards upstairs to give them to Miss Harris.  She was very happy to receive them.

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Some children made cards for their family.  Eliza copied the letters to write ‘mommy’


Outside we noticed that the weather has been colder this week.  One morning we found ice had formed in one of the plastic trays.  We enjoyed exploring the ice and talking about it.  It was fun making it melt in our hands.

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Stay and play

At St Clement’s Stay and Play we have been having lots of fun. The children are becoming more confident, engaging with each other and learning new skills.

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This week we saw one of our children finally master walking with her push along frame. This milestone was celebrated by everyone, which made mum and daughter very proud.

If you would like more information about St Clement’s Stay and Play then see Miss Akers or come along Wednesday mornings at 9am.